
Vicky, a nail salon owner, was unhappy with her current website company because they were charging her monthly and had a hard time getting them to respond to her needs. She felt like they were holding her hostage. I helped her create a website with an attractive header banner and informative prices and services as well as a description of what differentiates her nail salon from other nail salons. She mentioned that the website I created her was cheaper, AND I was more responsive. She also didn't have to keep paying monthly after the project was done, and best of all, the website was more beautiful.


Showing Instagram photos on website

Price list of services

Jennifer Pham

Jennifer Pham



Designed attractive header banner using Adobe Photoshop and wrote tag line to appeal to women. Placed contact info on all pages to encourage calling for an appointment (clear call to action). Added services and prices to educate users on various service packages Created professional email using domain name. Shared owner's background to increase credibility.


Wordpress Design and Development


  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • HTML

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